
Token Security Authentication 8-5
If you select PAP-TOKEN, select Send User Name and enter a
name for your Netopia Router. You will not need to enter a
Send Password for PAP-TOKEN. Press Return.
If you select CACHE-TOKEN, select Send User Name and enter
a name for your Netopia Router. Then, select Send Password
and enter a secret name or number. Press Return.
3. Set up a connection profile to use with your authentication
method. See Chapter 2, for information on setting up a
connection profile.
Note: If you are setting up your first connection profile, you can also
enter your authentication information in the Easy Setup Connection
Profile screen.
Initiating a connection call using security authentication
There are two ways to initiate a connection call using security
authentication. You can either establish a dial-on-demand (DOD)
connection or establish a manual connection.
Establishing a dial-on-demand (DOD)
connection call
To establish a connection call using DOD, select Statistics, Utilities,
Tests from the Main Menu and press Return.