Autopilot instrument is
different from ship’s
steering compass.
compass is not aligned with for-
aft line of boat.
alignment of compass.
Variable error in heading
caused by magnetic
Verify that the steering compass is
accurately corrected and then correct the
Autopilot compass as per installation
Large errors not corrected by
above remedies or lack of
change in course set point with
different headings indicate a
defective compass.
1. Run Auto-Deviation-Clear [C5] [CLR].
2. Run Auto-Deviation [C3] [DEV]
3. Recheck compass again.
Ships compass is not correct. Compensate ships compass.
Compass: no reading or wrong
Check that the local magnetic variation
[C2] [VAR] is set properly.
Irregular values. Check the Sea Damping [P2] [SEA].
NMEA does not
engage, NAV arrow
does not come on.
NMEA receiver not installed
Check receiver settings for proper output.
No NMEA 0183 data received. Check Nav cable for connection. to the
correct port.
Unreliable NMEA data detected
upon engagement.
Check connections and setup in
transmitting instrument
No active waypoint. Activate a waypoint.
After some use, NAV
arrow does not come
Poor NMEA data detected. Last
"good" NMEA heading is used
until good data restored.
Check for poor navigator installation
causing bad signal to noise ration. Check
for erroneous data as detected by
navigator. Revert to magnetic course only,
if situation cannot be corrected.
Course under NAV
steering is erratic.
May appear when close to
waypoint due to GPS-S/A.
Accept situation or revert to compass
course steering only.
Compass heading information
is not consistent with navigator.
Set heading in pilot i.e. true to true or
magnetic to magnetic so course is
consistent with navigator.
Check NMEA wiring termination.