viii Q&A Index
Taking Photographs
Question Key phrase Page #
Is there an easy way to take snapshots? Auto mode 15
Is there an easy way to take more creative shots? Digital Vari-Program modes
What do I do if flash photography is prohibited? Auto (flash off) mode
How do I bring out a portrait subject? Portrait mode
How can I get good landscape shots? Landscape mode
How do I take snapshots of my kids? Child mode
How do I “freeze” a moving subject? Sports mode
How do I take close ups of small objects? Close-up mode
Can I include night backgrounds in my portraits? Night portrait mode
How do I change camera settings using the shooting
information display?
Shooting information display 22
How do I take a lot of photographs quickly?
Shooting mode
Can I shoot a self-portrait? 33
Is there a remote control for this camera? 33
How do I adjust exposure? Exposure; P, S, A, and M modes 39
How do I freeze or blur moving objects? Mode S (shutter-priority auto) 41
How do I blur background details? Mode A (aperture-priority auto) 42
Can I make photos brighter or darker? Exposure compensation 47
How do I make a time exposure? Long time-exposures 44
How do I use the flash?
Flash photography, flash mode 34Can the flash fire automatically when needed?
How do I keep the flash from firing?
How do I prevent red eye? Red-eye reduction 35
Can I take pictures under low light without the flash? ISO sensitivity 37
Can I control how the camera focuses? Autofocus 23
How do I focus on a moving subject? Focus mode 23
How do I choose where the camera focuses? Focus area 25
Can I change the composition after focusing? Focus lock 26
How do I improve image quality?
Image quality and size 29–30
How do I take bigger photographs?
How can I get more photos on the memory card?
Can I take photos at a reduced size for e-mail?