Q&A Index vii
Q&A Index
Find what you’re looking for using this “question and answer” index.
General Questions
Camera Setup
Question Key phrase Page #
How do I use the menus? Using the menus 63–64
How do I get more information on a menu? Help 3
What do these indicators mean? Monitor, viewfinder
What does this warning mean? Error messages and displays 111–112
How many more shots can I take with this card? Number of exposures remaining 29, 116
How much charge does the battery have left? Battery level 15
What does “exposure” mean and how does it work? Exposure 39
What do I do with the viewfinder eyepiece cap? Self timer, remote control 7, 33
What optional flash units (Speedlights) can I use? Optional flash units 99
What lenses can I use? Lenses 97
What accessories are available for my camera? Accessories for the D40 96
What memory cards can I use? Approved memory cards 102
What software is available for my camera? Accessories for the D40 103
Who can I ask to repair or inspect my camera? Servicing the camera x
How do I clean the camera or lens? Cleaning the camera 104
Question Key phrase Page #
How do I focus the viewfinder? Viewfinder focus 14
How do I keep the monitor from turning off?
Stand-by mode 78
How do I keep the shutter speed and aperture displays
from turning off?
How do I set the clock?
World time 11, 83How do I set the clock for daylight savings time?
How do I change time zones when I travel?
How do I adjust monitor brightness? LCD brightness 83
How do I restore default settings? Two-button reset 38
How do I turn off the light on the front of the camera? AF-assist illuminator 76
How do I change the self timer delay? Self timer 33
How do I change the remote delay? Remote control 33
How do I keep the camera from beeping? Beep 74
How do I view all the items in the menus? CSM/setup menu 80
Can I display the menus in a different language? Language 84
How do I keep the file number from being reset when I
insert a new memory card?
File number sequence 86
How can I prevent the same file name from being
assigned to different photographs?