For Use with Non-CLS-compatible SLR Cameras
For Use with Non-CLS-compatible SLR Cameras
Using the SB-910 with non-CLS-compatible SLR cameras is possible, although some
functions may not be operable.
Operable SB-910 functions vary depending on camera in use.•
See the camera user’s manual as well.•
Differences between CLS-compatible and non-CLS-
compatible cameras
CLS-compatible cameras
Camera communication
Displayed Not displayed
Operable fl ash mode
Auto aperture fl ash•
Non-TTL auto fl ash•
Distance-priority manual •
fl ash
Manual fl ash•
Repeating fl ash•
Non-TTL auto fl ash•
Distance-priority manual •
fl ash
Manual fl ash •
Repeating fl ash•
ISO sensitivity Automatically set Set in the custom settings
Operable wireless multiple
fl ash-unit photography
Advanced Wireless Lighting•
SU-4 type•
SU-4 type•
Flash photography using
color fi lters
Possible (fi lter information
transferred to the camera
compatible with fi lter
Possible (fi lter information not
FV lock Possible Not possible
Auto FP high-speed sync Possible Not possible
Red-eye reduction Possible Not possible
Rear-curtain sync Possible Possible
AF-assist illumination
Possible (supporting multi-
point AF)
Not possible
Firmware update
Possible (with compatible
cameras only)
Not possible