Custom Functions and Settings
Available custom functions and settings
(Bold: default)
Non-TTL auto fl ash mode option (0C-5, C-8)
Auto aperture fl ash with monitor pre-fl ashes
Auto aperture fl ash without monitor pre-fl ashes
Non-TTL auto fl ash with monitor pre-fl ashes
Non-TTL auto fl ash without monitor pre-fl ashes
Master fl ash unit repeating fl ash mode (0D-10)
ON: Repeating fl ash mode on
OFF: Repeating fl ash mode off
Flash compensation step in manual fl ash mode (0C-17)
Setting fl ash compensation step between M1/1 and M1/2 in
manual fl ash mode
1/3 EV: Compensation with 1/3 EV step
1 EV: Compensation with 1 EV step
Wireless mode for multiple fl ash units (0D-1)
Advanced: Advanced Wireless Lighting
SU-4: SU-4 type wireless multiple fl ash-unit photography
Test fi ring button (0E-21)
FLASH: Test fi ring
MODELING: Modeling illumination