
small waterfall at the top-left. You can go inside it to find a cave!
When you get close to the pool of water you'll be asked if you want to
throw something in. Say yes, and throw in the boomerang. A fairie
appears! When she asks if you were the one who threw in the boomerang,
answer yes. Because you're an honest person, she'll give back an even
better one. The red boomerang can reach all the way across the screen!
Next, throw in your shield. Do the same process and the fairie will
you the red shield. This one can protect you from fireballs.
Now it's time to head for the third dungeon of the Light World: The
Tower of Hera. From Kakariko Village, head north-east around the edge
the Lost Woods. After you pass a V-shaped group of trees, there's a
that reads "Do not enter Death Mountain without the King's
Toss aside the large green stone there and enter Death Mountain.
Ack! It's dark again! Drop down the ledge and go right until you meet a
lost old man. He's going to go with you up Death Mountain. Go right to
the next room. Make your way through this room and listen to what the
old man's has to say.
When you get outside, go right until you reach a little cave. You'll
leave the old man here...and he gives you the magic mirror! If you ever
need to refill your hearts, come here and talk to the old man to have
your energy restored. You also get the option to start here when you
turn on the SNES.
Continue going right, then up the ladder. When you get to a cave,
it and go left. Take note of the next cave you get to. Whenever you
to go back down the mountain, you go through this cave. Now go up this
tall ladder.
Go right, past the cave, until you get to a wierd looking warp. There
are a few warps like this hidden all around Hyrule. Entering them
you into the Dark World. The Dark World is a sort of parallel universe
to the normal world. This world is ruled by Ganon and infested with
powerful monsters. To go back to the regular world (a.k.a. Light
use the magic mirror that the old man gave you. But you cannot use it
go to the Dark World...you must use the warps to enter the Dark World.
So enter that warp. Since you do not have the Moon Pearl, which allows
you to retain your regular form in the Dark World, you have turned into
some kind of rabbit. When you are in the Dark World, you change into