
Pieces of Heart are scattered all around the Hyrule. There are 24 of
them in all. 12 in the Light World, 12 in the Dark World. You don't
to get all of them. In fact, you can beat the game without getting any
of them at all! After you get 4 pieces, you gain a whole heart
1. KAKARIKO VILLAGE (Light World). Go to the north-west part of the
village, just before the entrance to the Lost Woods. Drop off the cliff
and into the hole. Get all the treasures and use a bomb on the upper
wall (a crack is just barely visible). The treasure chest here holds a
piece of heart.
2. KAKARIKO VILLAGE (Light World). In the north part of the village, go
in the house with a green leavy roof. Go downstairs and bomb the crack
in the northern wall. Inside the chest in this next room is the coveted
piece of heart.
3. SOUTH OF THE VILLAGE (Light World). A little bit south of the
village, there's a long house with a red roof. Inside, bomb the wall
continue to the next room, then go outside. The girl there says she'll
give you something good if you reach the goal in under 15 seconds.
up and go through the maze! Reach the guy in less than 15 seconds to
recieve a piece of heart.
4. LOST WOODS (Light World). In the eastern part of the lost woods,
there's a very curious looking 3 x 3 block of bushes. Cut them up to
reveal a hole in the center. Drop down there are collect your piece of
5. NEAR THE SANCTUARY (Light World). On a small cliff west of the
Sanctuary, there's a bunch of light green rocks. Go there and dash into
the rocks with the pegasus boots. Go down those stairs and open the
chest for a piece of heart.
6. SWAMPY GRASSY PLACE (Light World). South of your house is the
grassy place", and there's a small structure there. Go inside. Push
aside the blocks and go on to the next room. Pull the right switch to
release the water, then go outside. There's the heart piece.
7. DESERT (Light World). In the northeast part of the desert, go inside
a cave. Follow the path until you get to a room with an old man. Use a
bomb to blow open a crack at the south part of this room. Inside the
chest is your precious piece of heart.
8. DESERT (Light World). Exit the Desert Palace through the west exit,
the continue going down and you'll find a piece of heart beside a