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While in battle with a wild Pokémon, tap “BAG,” then select
“POKÉ BALLS.” Select a Poké Ball you want to use and tap “USE”
to throw it at the Pokémon to try to catch it. After you have
caught the Pokémon, you can give it a nickname.
Note: If you already have six Pokémon in your party, the newly caught
Pokémon will be transferred automatically to Someone’s PC (the
Pokémon Storage System).
where to find Pokémon
Pokémon inhabit caves and areas with tall grass. Pokémon might appear when you are
crossing a lake or ocean using the HM Surf. You may also encounter Pokémon inside
rustling patches of tall grass or where clouds of dust rise inside caves.
tiPS for CAtChing Pokémon
If you use a Poké Ball on a wild Pokémon that has taken very little damage, it is highly
likely to break free of the Poké Ball. You must first weaken the Pokémon by attacking it
until its HP is low. It will also be easier to catch the Pokémon if you inflict Paralysis, make
it Sleep, and so on.
exPerienCe PointS
When you win a battle, Experience Points are given to Pokémon that fought in the battle.
When the Experience Point gauge fills completely, a Pokémon’s level goes up.
Tips on Raising Low-Level Pokémon
Place the Pokémon whose level you want to raise in the first slot (the top left) of your
Pokémon party. Immediately switch to another Pokémon as soon as you enter battle.
The higher the opponent Pokémon’s level is in comparison to your Pokémon, the
more Experience Points your Pokémon will receive when the opponent Pokémon is
defeated. Pokémon that you received by trading with other players will also receive more
Experience Points than Pokémon that you obtain normally.
Pokémon evolution
Some Pokémon evolve and change form as they grow. A
Pokémon can evolve when its level increases, through the
use of certain items, if it is traded (see page 26), and so on.
Pokémon eggS
At a certain point in the game, if you leave two of your Pokémon at the Pokémon Day
Care that you find along your journey, you may return to find an Egg. Eggs will hatch if
you keep them in your party long enough.
CAtChing Pokémon
CAtChing Pokémon
trAining Pokémon
trAining Pokémon