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(The screen shown is that of
Pokémon Black Version.)
There are various items available to you in the game. You can obtain items by buying
them at stores and finding them during your journey.
tmS And hmS
Both Technical Machines and Hidden Machines allow your Pokémon to learn new moves,
and both can be used as often as you like. Different kinds of Pokémon will be able to
learn different moves.
Moves that Can Be Used in the Field
There are moves that can be used both in battle and in the field. They can even be used
in the field when the Pokémon who has learned the move has fainted.
CUT Instantly cut down trees that block the road.
FLY Return to a town or city you’ve previously visited.
SURF Move across water, such as the sea or rivers.
STRENGTH Push heavy rocks.
WATERFALL Climb up torrential waterfalls.
DIVE Dive deep under the sea.
keY itemS
Important items for your adventure. These can be obtained during your journey.
You can register the Friend Codes of players who you communicate with.
Record Link Battles with friends and battles that take place in special facilities.
To watch recorded battles, start the Vs. Recorder and tap the button marked
“TAP HERE!” on the Touch Screen. You can also send recorded battles to other
Trainers (see page 50).
You can transfer Pokémon caught in the Nintendo DS Pokémon series Pokémon Diamond,
Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, and SoulSilver Versions (referred to collectively below as DS
Pokémon series) to Pokémon Black Version. In order to do this, you must use Poké Transfer
in the Poké Transfer Lab located on Route 15.
Note: To transfer Pokémon, you’ll need to have obtained the National Pokédex in Pokémon Black Version.
You can do this after completing the main story.
Note: You can only transfer Pokémon from an English version DS Pokémon series game.
how to uSe Poké trAnSfer
Insert the Pokémon Black Version Game Card into the Game Card slot of one Nintendo
DS system, and a DS Pokémon series Game Card into the Game Card slot of another
Nintendo DS system. Push the Game Card until it clicks into place on both systems,
and then turn the power on.
First, use Poké Transfer in Pokémon Black Version. When
the screen shown to the right is displayed, use the
Nintendo DS system with the DS Pokémon series Game
Card inserted in it and tap the “DS Download Play” panel
on the Nintendo DS Menu Screen. Then, select “Poké
Transfer ID: [Trainer ID number].”
Note: You can view your Trainer ID number in Pokémon Black Version
on your Trainer Card (see page 15).
Note: Poké Transfer cannot be used if you have fewer than six
empty spaces in your Pokémon Black Version PC Box.
vAriouS itemS
vAriouS itemS
trAnSfer Pokémon from PreviouS
nintendo dS Pokémon SerieS titleS
trAnSfer Pokémon from PreviouS
nintendo dS Pokémon SerieS titleS