Do not turn off the
power or press buttons
on your DS while it
is downloading.
Once the message “Finished!” displays,
your game will save automatically.
“Solve Puzzles”
Once you’ve nished a download,
tap Solve Puzzles.
The Nintendo WFC
navigates in a manner
identical to the
Puzzle Index.
When available, hints are provided for downloaded puzzles one
week after their release.
*The rst time you connect and download puzzles from Nintendo WFC, your DS
will download all currently available puzzles and hints.
For additional information on the Nintendo WFC, setting up your Nintendo DS,
or a list of available internet hotspots, visit support.nintendo.com
(USA, Canada and Latin America) or call 1-800-895-1672 (USA/Canada only).
• To play Nintendo DS games over the internet, you must rst set up the
Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection (Nintendo WFC) on your Nintendo DS system.
Please see the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection instruction booklet, available at
www.nintendo.com/consumer/manuals if you need directions on setting up
your Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.
• To complete the Nintendo WFC setup, you will also need access to a PC that has
a wireless network device installed (such as a wireless router) and an active
broadband or DSL internet account.
• Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection game play uses more battery power than other
game play. You may prefer to use the AC Adapter to prevent running out of
power when using the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.
• You can also play Nintendo WFC compatible games at selected internet
hotspots without additional setup.
• See the Terms of Use Agreement (see page 35) which governs Nintendo Wi-Fi
Connection game play and is also available online at nintendowi.com/terms.
DS_Prof_Layton_atCV_CdnManual.in32-33 32-33 1/15/08 7:49:02 AM