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Meet Professor Layton, worLd-renowned archeoLogist and enthusiast of
PuzzLes, riddLes, and aLL things Mysterious. even the Most baffLing of cases
is no chaLLenge for the briLLiant Mind of Professor Layton.
when a weaLthy baron in the viLLage of
st. Mystere Passes away, his faMiLy contacts
Professor Layton to investigate his Last wiLL and
testaMent. sensing a great Mystery at hand, the
Professor iMMediateLy sets out for st. Mystere
with his assistant Luke.
the goLden aPPLe
uPon the Pairs arrivaL in the viLLage, the barons faMiLy beseeches
Professor Layton to find a certain iteM that hoLds the key to the inheritance.
the barons wiLL Provides one cLue:
“the reinhoLd faMiLy treasure, the
goLden aPPLe, is hidden soMewhere
within this viLLage. to whoMever
successfuLLy Locates this treasure,
i offer the whoLe of My estate.”
their objective now cLear, Luke and
Layton set out to exPLore the curious
viLLage… but do they have what it takes
to crack the case wide oPen?
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