There is a goal game at the end of every stage in
Dyna Blade. Press
, , , or when the gauge
is full to send Kirby shooting out of the cannon. You
will receive a reward based on how far he flies.
This game is something of a “games omnibus,” where you choose the game you want
to play from the corkboard. Here we will discuss some of the rules and features of
the various games.
There are lots of games in Kirby Super Star Ultra, so you can enjoy lots of different
stories and adventures. The goals and rules of each game vary slightly, so pay
close attention to this section.
Adventure through four stages as you try to
recover all of the food stolen by King Dedede.
This is a basic game mode with simple rules
for new gamers. This is the only game mode
you can play at first.
Set out on an epic journey to stop the giant, monstrous bird Dyna Blade from
destroying all of the crops. This game mode features a world map and the ability to
select stages.
World Map
Move Kirby using and press to select a stage. Cleared stages will display a .
Extra Stage
Fulfilling certain
conditions opens this
stage, where you can
grab one of many Copy
Enemy Stages
As you move around on
the world map, you will
have to fight enemies if
you touch them.
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