When he copies an ability, Kirby can also create a Helper. The Helper is a loyal ally
who will fight by your side.
When Kirby copies an ability (other
than a one-use ability), you can press
the X Button to create a Helper—
Kirby will lose the Copy Ability. During
a single-player game, the Helper will
be controlled by the computer, and
when there is a second player, P2 will
control the Helper.
*The Helper will disappear when its
health reaches 0. Kirby can then make
a new one.
Grab (Helper Transformation)
When a Helper Touches a Copy Essence Deluxe or an Ability
p. 21
, it can change into a different Helper with
that ability. Also, when a Helper has low health and touches
an enemy, it can change into a different Helper with that
ability. When a Helper transforms, it recovers all health.
When you press
while you have a
Copy Ability…
You create a
Helper with that
same ability.
When Kirby or a Helper gets a food item or a Maxim Tomato
p. 21 , they can restore each other’s health if they touch
soon after grabbing the item by performing Face-to-Face.
When you’re playing a two-player game and Kirby
does one of the things described below, P2 can
, , , or to create a Helper they can
control. Controlling a Helper is slightly different from
controlling Kirby in a few ways.
Ability Item
• When Kirby creates a Helper.
• When Kirby has inhaled an enemy.
• When Kirby has a Copy Ability.
Continuous Jump
Use an Ability
Space Jump
Float through the air with many small jumps.
Use your Helper ability.
Turn into a star and warp to Kirby’s location.
Make the Helper disappear.
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