If you get stuck during your adventure, search all the areas you can. Besides
reading signs, statues, and notes, talk to all the people you can. You’ll be sur-
prised at the information you are able to learn.
When You’re Stuck, Gather Info
Blows a gust of wind in the
direction you’re facing. Use
it to knock enemies back
and solve puzzles. To use it,
position Link so he’s pointing
in the right direction, then
blow into the Mic.
Use your boomerang to attack enemies, break pots,
and ip switches. To use it, draw the path you want it
to travel with your stylus. As long as it doesn’t hit an
obstacle, it will follow the path that you’ve drawn.
Aim the whirlwind… Then blow into the Mic
to launch a gust of wind
and knock enemies back
in its path.
Some puzzles in the game can’t be solved unless you
use your equipped items wisely. Sometimes you
have to use a combination of items and moves, so
Use Items to Solve Puzzles
Spirit Flute
This is an item you acquire in the game. Use it to
play special songs at designated places to uncover
secrets. When you select the Spirit Flute from the
Menu, the screen to the right appears. To play it,
use the Touch Screen to select the note you want to
play, and blow into the Mic.
Slide the Spirit Flute
to line up the note you
want to play.
Selecting a Note