View the train cars you have so far. If you have more
than one of a single car type, you can swap them at
Alfonzo’s house .
View the treasure items you’ve collected so far. If you
take your items to Linebeck Trading, Linebeck will let you
exchange them for train parts or sell them .
View the stamps you’ve collected in your stamp book so far. Once you acquire a
stamp book, you can get stamps from the many stamp stations throughout the game.
View the letters you’ve received so far. As you meet new
people in the game, they will send you letters. You can
check for and receive new letters at any nearby mailbox.
Stamp Book
Type of Train
Display a map of your current location. During regular game play, this screen
appears on the top screen. Press or tap Map on the Menu bar to move the map
to the Touch Screen, where you can make notes on it. In a dungeon, you can also view
maps of the other oors.
You can view a map of any
oor in a dungeon that
you’ve already visited.
Change Floors
Write and erase notes on
your map using your stylus.
Tap these options to switch
between writing and erasing.
Map Icons
These are just some of the
icons you may see on the map.
Current Location
Houses and Shops
Place where
something changed
During your adventure, you’ll learn things from people and
discover many things on your own. A lot of this information
is vital in helping you progress in your journey and in
solving puzzles. Write it all down! If you think a piece of
info will come in handy later on, make a note of it!