Make a call
Use Speed Call (M3903 and M3904)
The Speed Call feature allows you to automatically dial frequently called numbers
by entering a one, two, or three digit access code. Contact your network
administrator to determine the capacity of your Speed Call list. This will establish
the number of digits you will enter for each access code.
A telephone designated as a Speed Call Controller can program or edit the Speed
Call list. This feature must be enabled by your network administrator.
To store or change a Speed Call
1. Press the Speed Call Controller Key.
The screen displays Enter Code, then
2. Dial a one, two, or three digit code.
Use the Delete Key if you make a
mistake. Use the Cancel Key to leave
the screen without storing a speed call
Note: A dash is automatically inserted
after the required number of digits have
been entered.
3. Dial the associated telephone number.
Use the Delete Key if you make a
mistake. Use the Cancel Key to leave
the screen without storing a speed call
Note 1: Dial the access code (if required)
followed by the internal, external, or
long-distance telephone number.
4. Press the Done Key to save the code
and number.
To make a Speed Call:
1. Lift the handset.
2. Press the Speed Call Controller Key or
the Speed Call User Key.
The screen displays Enter code.
SpcCtrl SpcUsr