Options List
Select a language
The display is available in multiple languages. After you select Language. . . from
the Options List menu,
1. Use the Navigation Keys to highlight
the desired language (e.g., German).
2. Press the Select Key.
Press the Done Key to save changes. Press the Quit Key or Options Key to exit.
Change a Feature Key label (M3902)
You can change the labels on the three feature keys located at the bottom of the
display on the M3902.
To change a Feature Key label:
1. Use the down Navigation Key to
highlight Change feature key label.
2. Press the Select Key.
This action takes you to the Feature
Key menu and highlights Edit a
feature key label.
3. Press the Select Key again.
The prompt asks you to select the key
you want to change.
4. Use the Navigation Keys to highlight
the label you want to change,
(e.g., AutoDl).
Change feature key label