
SMART-MR10/15 User Manual Rev 5 125
Table 26: VERSION Log: Field Formats
Field Type Field Format (ASCII) Description
hw version P-RS-CCC P = hardware platform (for example, OEMV)
R = hardware revision (for example, 3.00)
S = processor revision (for example, A)
CCC = COM port configuration (for example, 22T)
a. This field may be empty if the revision is not stamped onto the processor.
b. One character for each of the COM ports 1, 2, and 3. Characters are: 2 for RS-232, 4 for RS-
422, T for LV-TTL, and X for user-selectable (valid for COM1 of the OEMV-2 only). Therefore,
the example is for a receiver that uses RS-232 for COM 1 and COM 2 and LV-TTL for COM 3.
sw version,
boot version
VV.RRR[Xxxx] VV = major revision number
RRR = minor revision number
X = Special (S), Beta (B), Internal Development
(D, A)
xxx = number
comp date YYYY/MM/DD YYYY = year
MM = month
DD = day (1 - 31)
comp time HH:MM:SS HH = hour
MM = minutes
SS = seconds