48 SMART-MR10/15 User Manual Rev 5
Chapter 3 Operation
3.2.1 Starting the Receiver
When first powered, the SMART-MR10/15 undergoes a complete self-test. If an error condition is
detected during a self-test, the self-test status word changes. This self-test status word can be viewed
in the header of any data output log. Refer to the chapter on Messages in the OEMV Family Firmware
Reference Manual for header information. If a persistent error develops, please contact your local
NovAtel dealer first. If the problem is still unresolved, please contact NovAtel directly through any of
the methods listed in the Customer Support section at the beginning of this manual on page 19.
3.3 Transmitting and Receiving Corrections
RTK or DGPS corrections can be transmitted from a base station to a rover station to improve position
accuracy. The base station is the GNSS receiver, which is acting as the stationary reference. It has a
known position and transmits correction messages to the rover station. The rover station is a GNSS
receiver which can be sent correction messages from a base station to calculate differential GNSS
positions. The SMART-MR10/15 can be used as base receivers to transmit RTK or DGPS corrections,
or as rovers to receive the same corrections. An example of a differential setup is given in Figure 15
on page 49.
While the setup described in the following sections may work on a SMART-MR15,
the SMART-MR15 is designed to receive corrections over a cellular modem on
COM2 via NTRIP caster, in which case, the NTRIPCASTER and NTRIPCLIENT
commands will take care of all interface mode configuration and corrections. Users
should not change the COM2 interface settings manually or the receiver will no
longer be able to communicate with the cellular modem.