System Status
1.Click Status, it then appears the sub-menu.
2.Click System, it then as shown in the following picture.
Device Name: This option allows you to view device name of the print server. To correct the
print server’s device name.
System Contact: This option allows you to view contact name of the print server. To check
the print server’s contact name who in charge of this device.
System Location: This option allows you to view Location name of the print server. To
confirm the print server’s location name where the print server is located
in the office’s LAN.
System Uptime: This option allows you to view uptime of the print server. When you start
the print server, it will compute the print server from start time to power off
Firmware Version: This option allows you to view firmware version of the print server. To
verify the print server’s firmware version is newer in this time.
Wireless MAC Address: This option allows you to view Node ID of the print server. The
Node ID is unique from any print server.
Wireless Operation Mode: This option allows you to view the current wireless operation
mode of your print server.