
Hardware Installation
To install the print servers, you need to complete these steps:
˙Confirm that your printer parallel(USB) port work well.
˙Connect the print server to the network and printer(s) and plug in the print server.
˙Create a configuration page from the print server.
Follow these instructions to install the print servers, please refer to any peripheral
you are connecting to the print server:
1. To ensure your printer(s) work well, do one of the following:
˙Send data through the parallel (USB) port of each printer you are connecting to the
print server, or generate a printer self-test page.
2. Turn off the power for each printer.
3. Connect the print server to printer(s).
Note: One port print server attaching only one printer, further three ports print server can
expand three printers, for example, the print server’s port1 should be connect printer1,
port2 or port3 as following above step.
4. Plug the AC power adapter into the power receptacle in the side of the print server.
5. Plug the AC power module into the wall out-let, the print server is switched on after you
plug it in.
6. Check the LED’s marked as status on topside or beside of the print server. It should be
flash five times normally, if not, please contact your local dealer for repair or replacement.
7. Turn on the power of your printer(s) to begin printing.