
Error Message Problem Solution
Short Circuit? The motor should have stopped, 1. Turn the unit’s power off and
but instead, it is still running. on, adjust the settings, and
attempt to resume pumping.
2. If the problem persists, call
Customer Service.
>10,000 Liters!!! Your pumping has exceeded the 1. If you need to keep track
maximum volume of 10,000 Liters. of the amount of fluid
dispensed, press the
START/STOP key to stop the
NOTE: In the future, to keep
track of the amount of fluid
dispensed, you must stop the
pump before it reaches its
upper limit of 10,000 liters.
2. If you do not need to keep
track of the amount of fluid
dispensed, you can ignore this
message and let the pump
continue to run.
>12:59:59! Your pumping has exceeded the 1. If you need to keep track
maximum time of 12:59:59. of how long the pump has
been running, press the
START/STOP key to stop the
NOTE: In the future, to keep
track of how long the pump
has been running, you must
stop the pump before it
reaches its upper limit of
2. If you do not need to keep
track of how long the pump
has been running, you can
ignore this message and let
the pump continue to run.
Troubleshooting Guide