
138 :: Using expansion cards
Using expansion cards
The expansion card slot on your Treo enables you to add Secure Digital (SD) cards
and MultiMediaCard cards to extend the storage capacity of your Treo. For example,
SD or MultiMediaCard expansion cards can store:
MP3 audio files
Email attachments
•... and more
Your Treo is also compatible with Secure Digital input/output (SDIO) cards, which let
you add accessories, such as a presentation module, to your phone.
Although expansion cards are sold separately, your Treo includes a dummy, non-
functional card inside the expansion card slot. When you do not have a functioning
card inside the expansion card slot, reinsert the dummy card to protect the slot
Inserting and removing expansion cards
1. Press down and release the dummy card.
2. After you feel the expansion card slot eject the dummy card, remove the card from
the slot.
SD cards are faster than
MultiMediaCard cards for
reading and writing
When you’re not using the
expansion card, reinsert the
dummy card to keep the
expansion card slot clean.
The warranty does not
cover damage by Secure
Digital (SD) cards that do
not meet SD Memory Card
Specifications. SD cards
that do not meet SD
Memory Card
Specifications may damage
Treo 650. SD cards that do
meet SD Memory Card
Specifications are marked
with the following logo: