■ Operation during an Alarm Mode
While an alarm mode is active, the following are available
from the system controller:
• Operating the camera with the alarm input (ACK)
• Resetting the alarm (ALM RESET/ALM ALL RESET)
• Suspending the alarm (ALM SUSPENDED)
■ Operation of an Alarm-related
Camera (ACK)
You can operate the camera with the alarm input as follows:
1. Select a monitor which displays "ALARM".
2. Press the ACK button.
"ACK" will appear on the monitor with an alarm input.
The camera with an alarm input will become operable.
3. Operate camera with the system controller.
Panning, tilting, zoom, focus, and iris are available.
When selecting another monitor, "ACK" will disappear
from the display. The matrix switcher system will return
to the alarm mode.
Note: This section describes the terminal mode. To operate
in the PS·Data mode, refer to the operating instructions.
■ Alarm Mode
When alarm (sensor) is accepted, the matrix switcher's
operation mode changes to the alarm mode. Then, the sys-
tem operates as follows:
• The camera image (alarm image) appears on the moni-
In the factory default setting, the alarm inputs 1 to 16
are associated with the same-numbered camera input
connectors. All the video output signals are sent to
Monitor 1. For example, when the alarm (sensor) con-
nected to the alarm input 1 becomes active, the camera
input connector 1’s image appears on Monitor 1.
• "ALARMnn" appears on the monitor.
(nn is the alarm number).
• Alarm output signals are supplied from Alarm Output 1
to 4 (#10, 11, 23 and 24) of the ALARM port (25-pin D-
sub connector) at the rear panel. Alarm Output 1 to 4 is
associated with MONITOR OUT 1 to 4. For example,
when an alarm input signal is activated on MONITOR
OUT 1, the matrix switcher supplies an alarm output
signal from Alarm Output 1.
• The alarm number and "Alarm" sign will appear on the
LCD. Then, "Alarm" sign and the alarm indicator will
There are two operation modes when more than one
alarm signal has been accepted by the matrix switcher
that is assigned to the same monitor.
• Sequence mode: An alarm operation is replaced by
another one after the dwell time ends.
• Hold mode: An initial alarm operation is continued
even after another alarm input is accepted.
• The association of the alarm inputs with cameras and
monitors are changeable in SETUP MENU or WJ-
SX150A Administrator Console. (Refer to the operating
instructions of matrix switcher.)
• Alarm input will be automatically reset in 30 seconds.
The auto-recovery time is configurable through SETUP
MENU or WJ-SX150A Administrator Console. (Refer to
the operating instructions of matrix switcher.)
Mon1 Cam01 AL01