Enable label triggered code
Syntax Units Range of
‘n & m’
Default See also
aARMnm - 0 or 1 01 START label
FAULT label
The ARM command allows you to enable (arm) or disable the START label.
It also enables/disables the FAULT label.
n=1 : start label is enabled
n=0 : start label is disabled (default condition)
The second parameter ‘m’ is a fault switch that enables/disables the fault
label from being run. See Fault Label in Control of ViX Drives.
m=1 : fault label is enabled (default condition)
m=0 : fault label is disabled
At power on, when saved and armed, the controller will execute the code
following the START: label (if defined).
The fault label parameter (fault switch), when enabled, will call the FAULT
label when any one of the following conditions occur:
1. When driving further onto a limit, whilst the limit mode is set as stop on
limit and the fault switch is enabled.*
2. When hitting a limit during a move, whilst the limit mode is set as stop on
limit and the fault switch is enabled.*
3. Having a hardware drive fault with the fault switch enabled.
*Note: If, within the LIMIT command, the mode is set to ‘1’ (stop when a limit
is hit but continue the program) motion will be stopped at the programmed
limit deceleration. No FAULT label will be called and the program will
continue in a normal manner.
Immediate or buffered, can be used in labelled block, saved by SV