during up-loading/down-loading of programs. Declaring labels in the command line, before
any START code, makes the most efficient use of the available memory. If you then up-load
the program to a PC and later down-load the same program the declarations will have been
lost. To retain declared labels you must declare them in the START code, this allows a
program to be up-loaded and down-loaded without loss of declared labels, although more
memory will be used. Despite the greater amount of memory being used, it is safer to make
the declarations within the START label as there is less chance of forgetting to declare parts
of the code.
Example of DECLARE being used in the command line:
1K ;Kill or stop any program currently running
1CLEAR(ALL) ;Erase all existing programs
1DECLARE(MAIN) ;Declare labels
Example of DECLARE being used following the START label:
1K ;Kill or stop any program currently running
1CLEAR(ALL) ;Erase all programs
1DECLARE(MAIN) ;Declare labels
Labels consist of up to 5 upper case alphanumeric characters terminated with a colon (:), but
a label must begin with an alpha character. Choose a name that is relevant to the operation
being performed, or a system label name.
To terminate a code block use ‘END’ (no colon).
You can use up to 20 labels, although four of these have already been allocated to START,
REG, NOREG and FAULT, leaving sixteen for general use.
Label Execution
By using the label select command (LSEL), labelled code blocks can be triggered by a digital
pattern appearing on certain user inputs. The command defines the user inputs to be used,
the style of code detected (BCD or binary) and the manner in which the code is executed
(continuous or re-trigger).
Enable the LSEL command using its on/off parameter to allow input selection of labels.