Pelco Manual C454M-C (1/98) 17
3.2.2 Hard-Wire or Remote Receiver/Driver
Refer to Figures 6 and 7 for wiring diagrams.
Refer to Table A for the type of video coaxial cable to use.
On models for suspended ceilings or hard ceilings, a plate is provided on the top of
the back box with 1/2" and 3/4" conduit knockouts.
If your back box has a power switch, make sure it is off before wiring power to the
back box.
A minimum of eleven (11) conductors plus coax are required for pan/tilt, motorized
zoom lens and camera power. Dome drives with presets (PP) require an additional
six (6) conductors for Type D or seven (7) conductors for Type E. The above does
not include the conductor requirements for heaters/blower which will need an addi-
tional two (2) plus ground.
The following cable distances are approximate and does not account for heaters/
Calculations are based on a 10% cable loss with both motors running.
Dome Drive Model Type
Non-Preset Models
Type B & C 11 Conductors 12 Conductors*
Preset Non-SL Models
Type D 17 Conductors 18 Conductors*
Preset SL Models
Type E 18 Conductors 19 Conductors*
20 Awg 153 ft (46.6 m) 281 ft (85.6 m)
18 Awg 244 ft (74.3 m) 447 ft (136.2 m)
16 Awg 387 ft (117.9 m) 710 ft (216.4 m)
* Using 2-conductor common.
A relay box (RB24) for use with a hardwire control only is available to extend the
operating distance (control to relay box) up to 15,000 ft over 18 Awg wire.
The following cable sizes are the minimum recommended for use with the heaters/
blower kit at the wattage and voltage listed.
122 watts @ 24 VAC
20 Awg 23 ft (7 m)
18 Awg 37 ft (11.2 m)
16 Awg 58 ft (17.6 m)
127 watts @ 120 VAC
20 Awg 558 ft (170 m)
18 Awg 888 ft (270.6 m)
16 Awg 1,410 ft (429.7 m)
129 watts @ 230 VAC
20 Awg 2,020 ft (615.7 m)
18 Awg 3,213 ft (979.3 m)
16 Awg 5,100 ft (1,554.4 m)
Proceed to Section 3.3, DOME DRIVE INSTALLATION.