Pelco Manual C454M-C (1/98) 25
Table F. Back Plate Exploded Assembly Parts List (Figure 11)
Item Quantity Description Part Number
12Latch backup plate 8004244COMP
22Latch 8004105COMP
32Latch bracket 8004143COMP
41Transformer (120 VAC model only) TRF21243.30.70F
5125-position connector plug CON10P025Z41T
62Screw, 6-32 ZH208211-4
7110-position terminal block TRB6TBV-10-OE
82Alignment pin 8004402COMP
91Heater/fan mounting bracket 8004118COMP
10 1 Fan, 120 VAC EH4600115W3
11 3 Heater, 120 VAC HTR50120
12 1 Back plate 8004190COMP
13 1 Connector mounting bracket 8004046COMP
14 2 Stabilizer bracket 8004047COMP
15 2 Boot 80010007
16 2 Hairpin clip ZH1/4CLIPSS
17 1 Connector, BNC jack, insulated CON01J002Z41S
18 6 2-position jumper TRBJ6-2
19 1 10-position terminal block cover TRBTC6-10-PFH
20 1 Thermostat (units with heaters and blower) EH5510049A
22 1 4-position terminal block TRB4-140
23 1 Fuse holder FUS357001
1 Fuse, 2A 3AG (not shown) FUS2
1 Capacitor, .47 µF, 12 V (not shown) CAPE474P012MAY
1 Capacitor, 220 µF, 100 V (not shown) CAPF221P100JRN
1 Capacitor, 270 µF, 100 V (not shown) CAPF271P100JRN
A4Screw, 10-32 x 1/2" flat head, Phillips ZH10-32X.500CFS
B4Split lock washer, 1/4" ZH1/4LWSSL
C4Nut, 1/4-20 ZH1/4-20NUTCH
D10Spacer .312 OD x 1/8" long, #10 SPA8540
E2Internal star washer, #10 ZH10LWSIS
F2Screw, 10-32 x 1" pan head, Phillips ZH10-32X1.00SPP
G2Nut, 6-32 ZH6-32NUTSH
I2Screw, 6-32 x 3/8" pan head, Phillips ZH6-32X.375SPP
J4Screw, 6-32 x 2" pan head, Phillips ZH6-32X2.00SPS
K6Spacer, 3/16" hex by 3/4" long, 2-56 tapped SPA9401L
L4Screw, 10-32 x 1/2" pan head, Phillips ZH10-32X.500SPP
M2Spacer, 1/4" hex by 1/2" long, 6-32 tapped SPA8423
N2Screw, 6-32 x 5/8" flat head, Phillips ZH6-32X.625SFS
O4Screw, 6-32 x 1/2" pan head, Phillips ZH6-32X.500SPP