3 Pullatthecardboardtagtoremovethefulldustbagfromtheholder(Fig.25).
, When you do this, the dustbag is sealed automatically.
4 Slide the cardboard front of the new dustbag into the two grooves of the dustbag holder as
5 Putthedustbagholderbackintothevacuumcleaner(Fig.27).
Note: If no dustbag has been inserted, you cannot close the cover.
6 Pushthecoverdownwardstocloseit(‘click’).
In some countries, this vacuum cleaner also comes with a reusable dustbag that can be used and
emptied repeatedly. You can use the reusable dustbag instead of disposable dustbags.
To remove and insert the reusable dustbag, simply follow the instructions in ‘Replacing the
disposable dustbag’.
To empty the reusable dustbag:
1 Slide the clip off the dustbag sideways.
2 Shake out the contents into a dustbin.
3 To close the dustbag, slide the clip back onto the bottom edge of the dustbag.
Cleaning and maintenance
Clean the permanent motor protection lter every time you empty the reusable dustbag or replace
the disposable dustbag.
1 Removethedustbagholderwiththedustbag(Fig.24).
2 Pressthetabatthetopofthemotorprotectionlterholderdowntoreleaseit(Fig.28).
3 Pullthetopofthemotorprotectionlterholdertowardsyou(1)andliftthelterholder
4 Shakethelteroveradustbintocleanit.
5 Putthecleanlterbackintothelterholder.
6 Fitthetwolugsofthelterholderbehindtheridgeatthebottomtoensurethatitts
7 Place the dustbag holder with the dustbag back into the appliance and close the cover.
The washable HEPA 12 lter is able to remove 99.5% of all particles down to 0.0003mm in size
from the outlet air. This not only includes normal house dust, but also harmful microscopic vermin
such as dust mites and their excrements, which are well-known causes of respiratory allergies.
Note: To guarantee optimal dust retention and performance of the vacuum cleaner, always replace the
HEPA lter with an original Philips lter of the correct type (see chapter ‘Ordering accessories’).
Clean the washable HEPA 12 lter every 6 months. You can clean the washable HEPA 12 lter max.
4 times. Replace the lter after it has been cleaned 4 times.
1 ToopentheHEPAltergrille,grabthetabsandpullitupwards(Fig.31).