The mini turbo brush is specially designed for effectively picking up animal hairs and uff from
furniture and mattresses. The unique brush inside the mini turbo brush loosens the hair from the
fabric. Then the hair is picked up by the vacuum cleaner.
The mini turbo brush can be attached to the handgrip of the hose or to the telescopic tube.
1 To attach the mini turbo brush, insert it into the handgrip or the telescopic tube and turn a
2 To detach the mini turbo brush, pull it out of the handgrip or the telescopic tube while
turning it a little.
1 Pull the cord out of the appliance and put the mains plug in the wall socket.
2 Presstheon/offbuttonontopoftheappliancetoswitchontheappliance(Fig.16).
Tip: To avoid bending your back, press the on/off button with your foot.
3 If you want to park the tube for a moment during vacuum cleaning, insert the ridge on the
4 Toensurestableparkingofthetelescopictube,adjustthetubetotheshortestlength.
5 To switch off the appliance, press the on/off button on top of the appliance.
1 Duringvacuumcleaning,youcanadjustthesuctionpowerwiththeselectionwheelontopof
- Use maximum suction (+) power to vacuum very dirty carpets and hard oors.
- Use minimum suction power (-) to vacuum curtains, tablecloths etc.
2 Specictypesonly:Youcanalsoadjustthesuctionpowerwiththesuctionpowerslideonthe
1 Switch off the appliance and remove the mains plug from the wall socket.
2 Pressthecordrewindbuttontorewindthemainscord(Fig.20).
3 Specictypesonly:AlwaysputtheTri-Activenozzleinthecarpetsettingwhenyoustoreit.
4 Put the appliance in upright position. To attach the nozzle to the appliance, insert the ridge on
To ensure stable storage of the telescopic tube, adjust the tube to the shortest length.
Replacing the disposable dustbag
- Replace the dustbag as soon as the dustbag-full indicator has changed colour permanently, i.e.
even when the nozzle is not placed on the oor (Fig. 22).
1 Pullthecoverupwardstoopenit(Fig.23).
2 Liftthedustbagholderoutoftheappliance(Fig.24).