General Maintenance
Variable Exhaust System (VES)
Maintena nc e of the VES is limited to a pe r iodic inspection and
clea ning of system c ompone nts. Eve r y 1000 to 2000 miles (800-1600
km), bring t he mach ine to an a uthor ize d Polaris dealer to have the VES
disassembled, inspected, a nd cleaned.
NOTE: To ensur e maximum perf orma nc e and minimize re quire d
maintena nc e, follow the oil re co mmenda tion chart on page 59. The
use of other lubricants may cause improper func tion of t he valve mec h-
anism and increase the freque nc y of required clea ning due to e xc essive
build-up of carbon deposits.
Water Pump Belt Inspection
Polaris Liberty 700 and 800
engines require inspection
of the water pump belt at
1500 miles (2400 km).
Inspect belt width (A) and
condition. Replace if
cracked or worn past the
width service limit (.250″ /
6.35mm). New belt width
is approximately .345″
(8.75 mm). See your
Polaris d ealer if the belt
needs t o be replaced.