General Maintenance
General Carburetor Information
The number stamped i n the end o f the main jet indicates the jet size.
The jet installed at the time of manufacture is not necessarily correct
for your elevation. It’s your dealer’s responsibility to make sure the
correct main jet is installed.
Carburetor Adjustments
The frequency at which the carburetors are synchronized or balanced is
important. Properly adjusted carburetors can greatly improve engine
performance, fuel economy, engine life, and reliability.
If you notice any of the following conditions, the carburetor may need
S Hard starting
S Poor idle
S Overheated pistons and cylinder walls
S Plug fouling
S Poor engine response to various throttle valve openings
Operating the snowmobile with incorrect jetting can result in
serious engine damage. Have your Polaris dealer perform all
carburetor adjustments to ensure all adjustments are done