Driver Seat Backrest Removal / Installation
1. Configure the seating for 2-UP riding. With the passenger
seat bottom in place, remove the two screws retaining the
seat bottom.
2. Remove the two pivot pins holding the seat bottom to the
frame and then lift up on the seat bottom to remove.
3. For installation, reverse the removal steps.
Passenger Seat Backrest Removal /
1. Configure the seating for 2-UP riding. Lift up on the latch
for the passenger backrest and lift the backrest to the full
up position.
2. Lift up on the latch for the passenger seat bottom and lock
it in the upright position as shown below.
3. Remove the two screws retaining the passenger backrest.
4. Remove the two pivot pins holding the backrest to the
5. Lift up on the backrest latch and tilt the backrest in towards
the cargo box and lift up to remove it.
6. For installation, reverse the removal steps.