Starter Drive Removal/Inspection
1. Remove recoil housing bolts and remove housing.
2. Remove starter drive assembly. Note the thrust washer
located at the rear of the drive mechanism.
3. Inspect the thrust washer for wear or damage and replace
if necessary.
4. Measure the OD of the starter drive shaft on both ends and
5. Measure the ID of the bushing in the recoil housing (A) and
in the crankcase and record. Measure in two directions 90
apart to determine if bushing is out of round. Calculate
bushing clearance. Replace bushing if clearance exceeds
the service limit.
6. Inspect gear teeth on starter drive. Replace starter drive if
gear teeth are cracked, worn, or broken.
Flywheel/Stator Removal/Inspection
1. Remove flywheel nut and washer.
2. Install Flywheel Puller (PN 2871043) and remove
3. Mark or note position of stator plate on crankcase.
4. Remove bolts and carefully remove stator assembly, being
careful not to damage crankshaft bushing on stator plate.
5. Replace crankshaft seal (A).
6. Remove oil passage O-Ring (B).
Std. Bushing ID:
.4735”-.4740” (11.11-12.04 mm)
Std. Shaft OD:
.470”-.472” (11.93-11.99 mm)
Starter Drive Bushing Clearance:
Std: .0015-.004” (.038-.102 mm)
Service Limit:
.008” (.203 mm)
Do not thread the puller bolts into the flywheel more
than 1/4" or stator coils may be damaged