Driving Uphill
Whenever traveling uphill, follow these precautions:
1. Always travel straight uphill.
2. Avoid steep hills (15° maximum). For model HD
and HD
PTO: Keep the heavy end of the vehicle
uphill. See page 58.
3. Keep both feet on the floor.
4. Always check the terrain carefully before
ascending any hill.
5. Never climb hills with excessively slippery or
loose surfaces.
6. Proceed at a steady rate of speed. Never move the
treadle pedal or change direction of travel suddenly.
7. Never go over the crest of a hill at high speed. An obstacle, a sharp drop, or another
vehicle or person could be on the other side of the hill.
Stalling While Climbing A Hill
Stalling or rolling backwards while climbing a hill could cause rollover. Always maintain a
steady speed when climbing hills.
If All Forward Speed Is Lost:
1. Apply the brakes.
2. Place the transmission in neutral and slowly allow the vehicle to roll straight downhill
while applying light brake pressure to control speed.
If you Begin Rolling Downhill:
1. Never apply engine power.
2. Decelerate using the treadle pedal and apply the brake gradually until the vehicle is fully
3. Place the transmission in neutral and slowly allow the vehicle to roll straight downhill
while applying light brake pressure to control speed.
Driving on a Sidehill (Sidehilling)
Driving on a sidehill is not recommended. Improper procedure could cause loss of control or
rollover. Avoid crossing the side of any hill unless absolutely necessary.
If crossing a sidehill is unavoidable, follow these precautions:
1. Slow down.
2. Exercise extreme caution.
3. Avoid crossing the side of a steep hill (15° maximum).
15° maximum