Periodic Maintenance Chart
Ź Perform these procedures more often for vehicles subjected to severe use.
E Emission-Related Service
D Have an authorized POLARIS dealer perform these services.
Item Maintenance Interval
(whichever comes first)
Hours Calendar Miles
D Alternator/Fan/Water
pump drive belt
50 H - - Check and adjust the V-belt after the initial
50 hours of operation; perform every 200
hours thereafter
D Air conditioning drive belt
(if applicable)
50 H - - Check and adjust the V-belt after the initial
50 hours of operation; perform every 200
hours thereafter
Engine oil & filter change 50 H - - Perform an oil and filter change after the
initial 50 hours of operation; perform every
100 hours or 6 months thereafter
Hydraulic / hydrostatic
50 H - - Replace hydraulic filter only after the initial
50 hours of operation; replace hydraulic
fluid, filter and reservoir breather cap every
400 hours thereafter
Battery 50 H 1 M - Check terminals; clean; test
E Fuel filter / water
50 H 3 M - Drain every 50 hours (normal conditions
with quality fuel) or daily (severe conditions
with poor fuel quality)
Ź General grease
50 H 3 M 500
Lubricate all grease fittings, pivots, etc.
E Air intake ducts / adapters 50 H 6 M - Inspect ducts for proper sealing/air leaks
Attachment interface
mounting hardware
100 H - - Re-torque the lower mounting bolts to 95 ft-
lbs (129 Nm)
PTO gearbox (if
100 H - - Inspect for leaks
ŹE Engine oil & filter change 100 H 6 M - Perform an oil and filter change after the
initial 50 hours of operation; perform every
100 hours or 6 months thereafter
Ź Front / rear suspension 100 H 6 M 1000
Inspect for wear
Shift cable / linkage 100 H 6 M 1000
Inspect, lubricate, adjust
D Steering 100 H 6 M 1000
Inspect steering freeplay
Travel Control And
Engine Speed Control
100 H 6 M 1000
Inspect for proper operation and adjust if