Light Switches
The light switch i s located on the left handlebar. It’s used to turn the
lights on and off and to switch the lights from HI to LO. To operate the
lights, the i gnition switch lever must be in the ON position and the stop
switchmustbeintheRUN position.
Operating the ATV on streets o r roads, especially in dar kness,
could result in an accident and serious injury or death.
Your ATV is not equipped with highway-approved lights. It’s
designed for and must be used for off-road use only. Use caution
and drive at reduced speeds in conditions of reduced v isibility
such as fog, r ain and darkness.
Brake Lever
The fro nt and rear brakes are applied
by squeezing the brake lever ( 1)
toward the handlebar. The front and
rear brakes are hydraulically
activated d isc type brakes that are
activated by only one lever.
Always test b rake lever travel and
master cylinder fluid level before riding.
When squeezed, the lever should feel firm. Any sponginess woul d
indicate a possible fluid leak or low master cylinder fluid level, which
must be corrected before riding. Contact your dealer for proper
diagnosis and repairs.
Operating the ATV with a spongy brake lever can result in loss of
braking, which could cause an accident.
Never oper ate the ATV wit h a spongy-feeling b rake lever.