Master Cylinder
The brake fluid in the master
cylinder (1), which is located on the
left handlebar, should be checked
before each ride. The fluid l evel
can be seen through an indicator
window (2) on the top of the master
cylinder. This eye will appear dark
when the fluid level is full. When
fluid needs to be added, the eye will be clear.
NOTE: When c hecking the fluid level, the ATV m u st be on level
ground with t he handlebars straight. If the f luid level is low
add DOT 4 brake fluid only. See page 111 for the part
numbers o f Polaris products.
After opening a bottle of brake fluid, alway s discard any unused
portion. Never store or use a partial bottle. Brake f luid is
hygroscopic, meaning it r apidly absorbs moisture f rom the air.
The m oisture causes the boiling temperature of the brake fluid to
drop, which can lead to early brake f ade and the possibility o f
accident or severe injury.