Air Filter Service
Trail Blazer
1. Release seat latch and lift up on
the rear of the seat.
2. Pull the seat back and free of
the tabs.
3. Remove the primary a ir filter
4. Remove the yellow pre-cleaner
foam boot, held in place by a
gray collar, from the air box. Do
not remove the collar.
5. Carefully wash the yellow foam
boot in soapy water and dry it.
6. Oil thefoam bootwith engine in-
jection oil (1 to 2 teaspoons).
Squeeze out the excess into an
absorbant cloth.
7. Reinstall the yellow foam boot
onto the air filter box.
8. Reinstall the primary air filter
There will be some resistance.
Be sure the black rubber seal-
ing ring is securely positioned
over the main filter neck.
CAUTION: When installing the pri-
mary air filter box be sure the gray
foam collar (B) is below the intake
opening of the air box intake (A).
Improper installation will restrict air-
flow to theengine possibly resulting
in engine damage.
Gray Collar
Yellow Boot
Intake Silencer
Air Filter
Airbox Retainer
Airbox Cover
Main Filter Neck