Headlight Lamp Replacement
Magnum 2x4, Magnum 4x4, T rail Boss
1. Remove the seat.
2. Remove the plastic panel surround-
ing the upper portion of the gas tank
by first removing the gas tank cap.
3. Remove the Phillips head screws on
either side of the panel at the junc-
tion of this panel, the lower panels,
and the rear of the front fenders.
4. Remove the Phillips head screws on
either side of the rear of the upper
panelwhich were revealed by the re-
moval of the seat., and starter pinion
5. Remove the door on the front of the
ATV covering the radiator cap by us-
ing a stubby, flat screwdriver to dis-
engage the screw. Remove thedoor
and set it aside.
6. Disengage the tabsat the front ofthe
upper panel where they snap into
the lower panel surrounding the
headlightassembly. Alsodisengage
the tabs on the upper panel which
engage with the lower triangular
panelsoneither side of the machine.
Lift off the upper panel and set it
7. Reinstall the gas tank cap.
8. Remove the panel surrounding the
headlight by removing the Phillips
head machine screws from either
side of this panel. Also remove the
two Torx screws at the rear of this
9. Ease the panel forward and up to al-
low you to reach the socket con-
nected to the headlight lamp.
3. & 4.