Driving Safely
Driving Uphill
Whenever traveling uphill, follow these precautions:
1. Always travel straight uphill.
2. Avoid steep hills (15_ maximum).
3. Keep both feet on the floor.
4. Proceed at a steady rate of speed and throttle opening.
Climbing hills improperly can cause loss o f control or vehicle
overturn. Always check the terrain c arefully bef ore climbing a hill.
Braking and handling are greatly affected when operating in hilly
terrain. Improper procedure could cause loss of control o r
overturn and result in s erious injury or death.
Avoid climbing steep hills (15_ maximum).
Use extreme caution when oper ating on hills, and follow proper
operating procedures outlined in the owner’s manual.
Never c limb hills with excessively slippery or l oose surfaces.
Never open the throttle suddenly.
Never go over the crest of a hill at high speed. An obstacle, a
sharp drop, or another vehicle or person could be on the other
side of the hill.
15_ Maximum