Engine Oil
Oil and Filter Change (RANGER 4X4, 6X6)
14. Install the new filter and turn by hand until the filter gasket
contacts the sealing surface, then turn and additional 1/2 turn.
15. Approximately one cup of engine oil will remain in the crankcase.
To drain, remove the drain plug on the lower right side of the
NOTE: The s ealing surfaces on the drain plug and crankcase should
be clean and free of burrs, nicks or scratches.
16. R einstall the drain plug and torque to 14 ft. l bs. (19 Nm).
17. Remove the dipstick and fill the tank with two quarts (1.9 l) of
Polaris Premium 4 Synthetic Oil.
18. Place the gear selector in neutral and set the parking brake.
19. Prime the oil pump using the procedure below. Thenstopthe
engine and i nspect for leaks.
20. Re-check the oil level on t he dipstick and add oil as necessary to
bring the level to t he upper mark on the dipstick.
21. Dispose of used filter and oil properly.
Oil Pump Priming (RANGER 4X4, 6X6)
This priming procedure must be
performed whenever t he oil hose
connection between the oil tank
and pump inlet has been
1. Clamp or pinch off the vent
line (1) approximately 2I
from the oil tank ( 2), between
the end of the oil tank vent
fitting and the vent line’s
pressure relief slit (3).
2. Run t he engine for 15-20 seconds.
3. Remove the vent line clamp.
The oil pump will now be
properly primed and ready for