Battery Removal
1. Disconnect hold down straps holding the electrical box and battery in
position and remove battery cover.
2. R emove the battery vent tube from the battery.
3. Disconnect the black (negative) b attery cable first.
4. Disconnect the red (positive) battery cable next.
5. Lift the battery out of the ATV, being careful not to tip it sideways and
spill electrolyte.
Battery Installation and Connectio n s
Battery terminals and connections should be kept free of corrosion.
If cleaning i s necessary, remove the corrosion with a stiff wire brush.
Wash with a solution of one tablespoon baking soda and one cup water.
Rinse well with tap water an d dry o ff with clean rags. Coat the
terminals with dielectric grease or petroleum jelly.
Be careful not to allow cleaning solution or tap water i nto the battery.
If electrolyte spills, immediately wash it o f f with a solution of one
tablespoon baking soda and one cup w ater to prevent damage to
the ATV.
To avoid the possibility of e xplosion, always connect battery cables
in the o rder specified. Red ( positive) cable first; black (negative)
cable last. An exploding battery can cause serious injury or death.