Riding Safely
Riding On Slippery Surfaces
Whenever riding on slippery surfaces such as wet trails or loose
gravel, or during cold freezing weather, special attention must be
paid to prevent vehicle turnover. Always:
1. Slow down when entering slippery areas.
2. Maintain a high level of alertness, reading the trail and avoidingquick,
sharp turns wh ich can cause skids.
3. C orrect a skid by turning the handlebars in t he direction of the skid and
shifting your body weight forward.
4. Driving with Demand 6 Drive (All Wheel Drive) engaged can assist
in controlling the vehicle in slippery areas.
Before riding your vehicle on a frozen body of water be sure that the
ice i s thick enough to support the machine and its operator, as well as
the force that is created by a moving vehicle. Severe injury or death
can result if the vehicle and/or its operator break through the ice.
Never engage Demand Drive while wheels a re spinning as severe
damage to drive train may occur.