Operator Safety
Your Polaris snowmobile is a well-engineered and well-constructed rec-
reational vehicle. Follow the recommended maintenance program out-
lined beginning on page 61 of this manual to ensure that all critical
components on the snowmobile are thoroughly inspected by your dealer
at specific mileage intervals.
Driving a snowmobile requires your full attention. DO NOT drink alcohol or
use drugs or medications before or while driving. They will reduce your alert-
ness and slow your reaction time. In most states and provinces, it’s prohib-
ited by law to drive while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs.
Polaris produces high performance snowmobiles capable of traveling at high
speeds. Extra caution must be observed to ensure operator safety. Make
sure your snowmobile is in excellent operating condition at all times. We
strongly recommend that the operator check major and vital safety compo-
nents before every ride.
All Polaris snowmobiles are designed and tested to provide safe operation
when used as directed. Failure of critical machine components may result
from operation with any modifications, especially those that increase speed
or power. DO NOT MODIFY YOUR MACHINE. The snowmobile may
become aerodynamically unstable at speeds higher than those for which it is
designed. Loss of control may occur at higher speeds. Modifications may
also create a safety hazard and lead to bodily injury.
The warranty on your entire machine is terminated if any equipment has
been added, or any modifications have been made, to increase the speed or
power of the snowmobile.