Engine Troubleshooting
Problem Probable Cause Solution
Engine turns
but fails to start
Faulty ignition • Remove spark plug(s) and replace
with new plug(s). If engine still fails
to start, check for spark; if no spark
No fuel to engine • Make sure the fuel valve is ON.
Check tank level and fill up with cor-
rect fuel.
• Ice in fuel line, filter, or pump. On the
standard Polaris carburetor, the choke
will not function with the throttle
depressed. See second item under
“Probable Cause” of “Engine contin-
ually backfires”.
Flooded engine (normal
situation caused by too
much choking)
• Hold throttle open, crank engine sev-
eral times (may be necessary to
change plug(s), however, the plug(s)
may operate satisfactorily when
Poor engine compression • Running too lean a mixture (too small
a main jet will cause seizure resulting
in loss of power). SEE YOUR
DEALER. This indicates a major
engine problem that must be repaired
before engine is run.
Engine lacks
Fouled or defective
spark plug
• Change and test operation.
Fuel filter (loss of high
RPM power)
• Check fuel filter flow. Disconnect
hose and drain about 1/2 cup. Fuel
flow should be steady and encompass
the entire diameter of fuel line. If not,
replace filter.
Incorrect clutching • SEE YOUR DEALER.
Carburetor and fuel
• There’s no adjustment to change
power output. SEE YOUR DEALER.
Engine continu-
ally backfires
Faulty plug(s) • Change plug(s)
Carburetor • Dirt or ice in fuel system. (Deicer
should be added to non-ethanol fuel
at all times for assurance against fuel
line icing.)
Engine requires
more than nor-
mal pulls to
Poor gasoline or not
enough fuel getting to
• Replace with fresh winter fuel.