2. Press a nd hold t he locking/ release button.
Upper Shaft
Attach m ent
3. While securely holding the engine and
upper shaft, pull the attachment straight
out of the coupler.
1. Remove the shaft cap from the attach-
ment (if present).
2. Position locking/ release button o fattach-
ment into guide recess of coupler.
3. Push theattachmentintothe coupleruntil
the locking/release button snaps into the
primary hole.
4. Before usingtheunit,tightenthe knobse-
curely by turning clockwise.
Primary Hole
Attach m ent
Guide Recess
WARNING: Make su re the locking/
release button is locked in the primary hole
and the knob is s ecurely tightened before op-
erating the unit . All attach ments are designed
to be used in the p rimary hole unless otherwise
stat ed in the applicable attachment inst ruction
manual. Using the wrong h ole could l ead toser i-
ous injury or damage to the unit .
Locking /Release
Button in Primary Hole
It is recommended that t he engine not be
operated for lon ger than 1 minute at full
Eye protection
Long pants
Heavy shoes
Cut from your right to your left.
WARNING: Alwayswear eyeprotec-
tion. Neve r lean over the trimmer head.
Rocks ordebris canricochet orbe throwninto
eyes and face and cause blindness or other
serious injury.
Do not run the engine at a higher spee d than
necessary. The cut ting line wi ll cut ef ficiently
when the engine i s run at less than full th rottle.
At lowe r spee ds, t here is less e ngine noi se an d
vibration. The cutti ng line wil l last l onger and will
be l ess likely to “weld” onto the spool.
Always release the throttle trigger and a llow th e
engine t o r eturn to idle speed when n ot cutting.
To stop engine:
S Release the throttle trigger.
S Push and release the engine ON/ST OP
Thetrimmerline w illadvance approximately 2
inches (5 cm) each time the bottom of the
trimmer headis tappedon theground withthe
engine running at full throttle.
The most efficient line length is the maximum
length allowe d by the line limiter.
Always keep the s hield inplacewhen thetool
is being operated.
To adva nce line:
S Operate the engine at full throttle.
S Hold thetrimmer headparallelto andabove
the grassy area.
S Tap the bottom of the trimmer head li ghtly on
the g round one time. A pproximately 2 inches
(5 cm ) o f line will be advanced with each tap.
Always tap the trimmer head on a grassy
area. Tapping on surfaces such as concrete
or asphalt can cause excessive wear to the
trimmer head.
If the line is worn down t o 2 inches (5 cm) or
less, more than onetap will berequir ed to ob-
tain the most efficient line length.
WARNING: Use only 0.080″ (2 mm)
diameter line. Other sizes of line will not ad-
vance p roperly and ca n c ause serious injury.
Do not use other materials such as wire,
string, rope, etc. Wire can break off during
cutting and become a dangerous missile that
can cause serious injury.
WARNING: Use minimum speed
and donot c rowdthe linewhen cuttingaround
hard object s (rock, gravel, fence posts, etc.),