WARNING: Falling objects can
causesevere head injur y. Wear head pr otec-
tion when operating this unitwi th a poleprun-
er attachment.
WARNING: To prevent serious in ju-
ry, do not use more t han one boomextension
with a pole pruner attachment.
WARNING: Keep the pruner away
from powe r lines or electrical w ires.
S Only use for pruning lim bs or branches up
to 6 inches (15 cm) in diameter .
S Do not operate the unit fast er than the
speed needed to prune. Do notrun theunit
at high speed when not pruning.
S Always stop the unit when work is delayed
orwhen walkingfromonecutting locationto
S If y oustr ike orbecom eentangledwith afor-
eign object, stop the engine immediately
and check for damage. Have any damage
repaired by an authorized service dealer
before attempting further operations. Dis-
cardblades that are bent, warped, cracked
or br oken.
S Stop the unit immediately if you feel exces-
sivevibration. Vibration is asignof trouble.
Inspect thoroughly for loose nuts, bolts or
damage before continuing. Contact an a u -
thorized servi ce dealer for repair or re-
placement of affected parts as necessary.
WARNING: Keep hands and feet
away from the rotor when starting or running
the engine. Never att em pt to clear the rotor
with the engine/motor running. Stop en gine
and disconnect s park plug before unclogging
snow or debris from dischargechuteor when
adjusting vanes.
WARNING: Never lean over dis-
charge chute. Rocks or debris could be
thrownintothe eyes andface andcauseseri-
ous injury or blindness.
WARNING: Inspect the area w here
the unit is to be used. Remove objects that
could be thrown or damage the unit. Some
objects m ay be hidden by fallen snow -- be
alert for the possibility.
S Direct material discharge away f rom glass
enclosures, automobiles, etc.
S Do not r un engine at high speed while not
removing snow.
S Be attentive when using the snowthrower,
and stay alert for holes in the terrain and
other hidden hazards.
S Make sure the rotor will spin freely b efore
attaching the snowthrower to the power-
S If therotorwill notrotate freely duetofrozen
ice, thaw the unit before thoroughly b efore
attempting to operate under power.
S Keep the rotor clear of debris.
S Do not throw snow near other people. The
snow t hrower could propel small objects at
high speed causing injury.
S After striking a foreign object, stop t h e en-
gine, disconnect spark plugand inspect the
snowt hrower for damage and repair if nec-
essa ry befor e restar ting unit.
S Never operate thesnowthrower near glass
enclosures, automobiles and trucks.
S Never attempt to use thesnowthrower ona
S Never operate the snowthrower near win-
dow wells, dropoffs, etc.
S Never discharge snow onto public roads or
near moving traffic.
S Clear snow from slopes by going up and
down; never acr oss. Use caution when
changing directions.Neverclear snowfrom
steep slopes.
S Let snowthrower run fo r a few minutes after
clearing snow so moving parts do n ot free ze.
S Look behind and use care when backing
up. Exercise c autionto avoidslippingorfal-
ling, especially when operating in reverse.
S Know how t o stop quickly.