
connector 20
64-pin DIN connector 84
A/D converters 62, 64
zero adjustments 22
Accessories, alignment of 36
Actual exposure time 47, 86
Analog gain control 57
Analog/Control module 17
AUX BNC connector 23
Aux Trig Out 24
Auxiliary Trigger output 68
Background DC level 56
Background subtraction 44
Back-plane 17
Baseline signal 56
computer memory burden 60
hardware 59, 92
readout time 60
resolution loss 60
restrictions due to well capacity 61
software 61
effect on S/N ratio 61
high light level measurements 61
shot-noise limited measurements 61
Blooming 55
Bracket pulsing 68
Cables 11
Calibration, spectrometer
suitable light sources 35
Camera State 71
Camera types 9
baseline signal shift 56
DMA and Interrupt 109
excessive humidity in CCD chamber 56
offset adjustments 22
serial cable 23
CCD array
readout theory 58
shift register 58
CCD arrays
blooming 55
dark charge effects 56
functions performed 53, 88
maximum on-chip integration 55
readout of 58, 89
shutter function 54
signal-to-noise ratio vs on chip
integration time 55
theory of operation 53
well capacity 55
table of 61
controller and camera 79
optics 79
Compensation time, shutter 54
Composite video output 18
Computer interface installation 103
Computer requirements 65
Contact information 114
Controller modules 17
Cooling 38
LN cameras 38
TE cameras 38
Cooling and vacuum 39
Dark charge 45
definition of 56
dynamic range 55
pattern 56
temperature dependence 56
typical values 56
Dark current 56
Data smearing 88
Data transfer 10
DETECTOR connector 22
Detector, rotation of 36
DIF camera 93
background subtraction 101
EEC timing mode 99
Flatfield correction 101
Free Run timing mode 94
IEC timing mode 96
laboratory illumination 101
Mask Throughput correction 101